Thursday, August 30, 2012

Exile on Peachtree Street

It has been one week since my ankle surgery. My real life remains mine, so I won’t tell you what the exact surgery was, however I will share with you that it wasn’t for anything life threatening-just life style threatening. And, now all the good drugs are gone…well the opioids at least. I will be confined to our condo for at least six more weeks. So, here I am, right in the middle of Hotlanta, and I can’t go anywhere.  It will probably be four months before I can actually begin anything close to what was once my normal life. The doctor says it will be a year before I return to normal activities. Whatever that means…

What these last few weeks since the accident have given me is the opportunity to create, which is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. I have always written something, anything for anyone interested in publishing my stories. It just wasn’t my career. Now, I have the unique opportunity to explore through words what has always been lurking in the murky depths of my subconscious. I had absolutely no idea that I was so sick and twisted. I am one sick pup and it is great fun! Let’s just say I have been influenced by Anne Rice and Edgar Allan Poe much more so than Margaret Mitchell. I probably listened to a band called The Cramps a bit too much when I was a kid, too. Having a family cemetery probably figures in there somewhere, as well. But, those are all stories for another day!

One avenue I have been able to explore during my ‘Exile on Peachtree Street’ has been the world of the indie writers. Having spent the years of my incredible, folly filled youth in Nashville, I have long been accustomed to the camaraderie of the indie music scene. Now, I have discovered that the indie writer’s scene is just as creative and supportive as our musically inclined indie friend’s community. The outpouring and encouragement I have received to write anything, with no line being drawn on my creative sand, and without anyone messing in my creative sandbox, has been nothing short of a revelation, a veritable epiphany after my time spent in corporate America. The same concept applies with Facebook. I am enjoying my new found friends and I am truly amazed at the guidance and encouragement offered. It’s remarkable how creative a person can become when there are no guidelines.

One fun thing that has happened this week is my adventure into the world of Twitter. First warning, a person with ADD who is on opioids should never, never, ever, never, ever, ever go on Twitter. However, this little journey has landed me almost 1000 new friends in less than one week. Let’s just say, I appear to be famous among German rock bands, so a least someone understands me! (It really just reinforces my belief that women should connect with men that do not speak the same language, since men never seem to understand what we are saying anyway.) There again is another story for another day…So back to Twitter, the support of indie writers and publishers has been over whelming. It’s a beautiful thing. It really is. The writing community seems to understand, as do our indie alternative music friends, that name recognition is the first name of the game. It’s been a fun week on Twitter, and one that has made me laugh through an otherwise excruciatingly painful week.  Now, I just have to figure out what a Shout Team is, how I got on one, and how to share in German.. That should be easy enough. Gawd…

Anyway, by Halloween I should have my first three short stories available. Who knows, maybe if I listen to Lux Interior sing ‘Life is short, filled with stuff, don’t know what for…’ one more time, I may have the book completed by Halloween…that is, if I can get off Twitter long enough to actually write something!

Stay tuned for the next exciting update and enjoy the August Blue Moon...oh, thank you for taking the time to read my first official blog.

Cheers y’all!

Hunter S. Jones

Monday, August 27, 2012


'...tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow..'   William Shakespeare

The 'Blog' is being built, and will not be available today. However, it will soon be posted on a regular schedule...let's say on Friday's. Not to worry, this is to be the musing of my imagination, so there's no children, no family issues, or any distractions of the political or religious realms. However, I am open to offers. I you want to connect with an idea and see where or how my minds bends it I can develop a fun romp and post it here. Let me know what you'd like to see, Jonesers.

Cheers y'all~

Hunter S.Jones  
August 27, 2012